INSIDE Phone Secure Box

Services / Defensive & Counter-Surveillance Technologies services

INSIDE Phone Secure Box

Information Theft
Can Also Happen
Through Your Smartphone.

Among the technological tools most used by malicious actors to steal corporate and personal information, besides spyware and spy phone software that allow them to monitor all activities carried out on computers and smartphones, traditional listening devices, high- performance laser microphones, digital audio recorders, GPS trackers, and audio and video recorders are also a concern.

How Can Information Be Compromised Through a Smartphone?

  • A mobile phone can be secretly turned on during important negotiations to allow third parties to listen in.
  • A voice recording app can be intentionally or unknowingly installed on a smartphone.
  • A spy phone application could have been secretly installed on a mobile phone and activated remotely by “attackers” to enable the function of capturing and recording conversations.
  • Applications installed by the user on their mobile phone can be hacked by experts, allowing them to listen remotely and retrieve confidential information fraudulently.

The solution: Making Every Captured Conversation Unintelligible.

The tool acts as a jammer for the microphones of all commercially available mobile phones without disrupting telecommunications or interfering with the phone’s reception capability.

Therefore, using this tool is entirely legal. INSIDE Phone Secure Box was developed by information security professionals to protect

confidential communications against eavesdropping via mobile phones.
This mobile phone microphone jammer is an ideal tool for communication security in offices, professional studios, and conference rooms.


  • Disrupts and Blocks the Phone Microphone using non-filterable ultrasonic interference
  • Effectively Prevents Environmental Recording Apps from Capturing Conversations and Sounds.
  • Optimized Interference Frequency: Disrupts the microphones of all existing cell phone and smartphone models.
  • The Acoustically Isolated Phone can be kept close to its owner to monitor the screen at all times.
  • The Phone Remains Online and Available to Receive Incoming Calls.
  • Operable by Integrated Rechargeable Battery (up to 6 hours of autonomy) and electric current via USB socket.
  • Compatible with All Types of Phones (maximum width 88 mm).
  • Does Not Disrupt Cellular Signal Transmission.
  • Elegant Design: Made with a stylish natural wood stand suitable for offices, studios, conference rooms, etc.

Dual-Sensor Technology for Optimal Performance

INSIDE Phone Secure Box features two sensors that increase battery autonomy:

  1. “IN USE” Sensor: The device begins to produce interference only when a mobilephone is inserted.
  2. “ACTIVITY” Sensor: The device starts producing interference only whenambient noise, sounds, or voices are detected.

Jammer for Two Mobile Phones Simultaneously

INSIDE Phone Secure Box can hold two mobile phones and allow two interlocutors to speak securely without exposing themselves to the risk of capturing and recording conversations.
By facing the display part of both phones outward, each participant in the conversation can see incoming calls and decide whether or not to answer.

Discover our Defensive & Counter-Surveillance
Technologies services:


Level 2 Central 1 Building
Dubai World Trade Center

Ph. +971 4 523 2471

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