Services / Background & Due Diligence

Overview of Solutions for Enhanced Due Diligence in Dubai

Intelligence for the analysis of reputational and compliance risk

Managing reputational risk has become a top priority for growing companies. As businesses expand into new markets and form partnerships with various strategic and commercial entities, it’s essential to mitigate risks associated with these ventures. The reputation, compliance, and reliability of potential partners are now critical to safeguarding a company’s image and assets.

In Dubai, where growth opportunities are abundant, proper due diligence ensures a complete understanding of counterparties, their controllers, and any associated entities. Identifying red flags or risks early on is key to making confident, informed decisions.

At INSIDE RISK MANAGEMENT, we offer comprehensive solutions for due diligence in Dubai. Our approach includes in-depth assessments, supplier qualification processes, and ongoing monitoring to address both reputational and financial risks. Trust us to provide the insights you need to protect your business and enhance your growth journey.

compliance risks

Assess reputational
and image risks

Assess reputational and image risks

Establish partnerships based on trust, respect, and support

Plan risk remedation and mitigation strategies

Purpose of Due Diligence Services

Analysis of counterparties for the protection of your reputation and corporate value

Promptly assessing the threats and risks associated with external counterparties has become an essential requirement for the protection of companies. This approach is crucial in order to maintain the trust of customers, lenders and investors, avoiding negative effects due to unforeseen events.

Intelligenceinside Reputation


Evaluation of counterparties:
a cross-cutting need

Managing counterparty risk requires the coordination of various company functions. In a dynamic context with frequent interactions across multiple parties, it’s crucial to carefully address the risks associated with counterparties. These risks can vary significantly based on the industry, as well as the specific structure and operations of the organisation.

Company control functions

Full awareness and careful attention to the management of reputational and compliance risks are a priority for the governing bodies and corporate structures involved in the monitoring process






Application areas


Qualification and classification of suppliers and contractors (including partners, directors, managers, consultants, etc.).


Selection and hiring of staff and collaborators.


Qualification and evaluation of counterparties in the sales network and in stores.


Qualification and classification of promoters, customers, agents, distributors, business partners, and periodic monitoring of the reliability of strategic counterparties.


Qualification and evaluation of counterparties (outsourcers) regarding ICT, legal, payroll, etc.


Monitoring of financial flows and customer verification for anti-money laundering purposes.


Qualification and evaluation of counterparties by partners in joint ventures and investment associations.


An established and effective workflow resulting from many years of experiencee

• Determination of customer needs
• Identification of information needs
• Definition of the investigation objectives
• Definition of the operational plan and the scope of the analysis

• Collection of any supplementary documentation provided by the customer
• Collection of basic official data chamber of commerce, land registry records, protests, bankruptcies, bankruptcy procedures, register of extraordinary real estate charges and burdens, balance sheets, co-interests, press clippings on official repositories

• Anti-Money Laundering Lists PEP, PEP-L, SOE, Global Sanctions Lists, Blacklist/Watch List, AML, CFT, Global regulatory and law enforcement lists, etc.
• Identification of Beneficial Owners
• OSINT analysis structured in the surface/open web (social networks, blogs, news, forums, etc.), deep web and dark web, search for adverse media and bad news
• Profiling of the target company, shareholders, significant representatives
• Checking registers and references (e.g., White List, legality rating, etc.)
• Identification and description of associated ethical/reputational issues
• Identification and description of any non-conformities, anomalies and gaps with respect to official data and/or documentation provided by the customer
• Predictive analysis of the financial behaviour of the company to establish the degree of similarity of the financial statements to those of criminal or bankrupt companies
• ESG risk analysis (Environmental, Social, Governance)
• HUMAN INTELLIGENCE (HUMINT) activities Gathering on-site information from sensitive and confidential investigative sources

• Collation of the evidence collected in a summarised, concise and intelligible format
• All upper levels include information from previous levels; only level 1 allows continuous monitoring with early warning


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Dubai World Trade Center

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